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To keep fire uniform in good working order, it needs special attention. No detail may be overlooked, and this is the business Fire Uniform Wash is in. Attention to detail!

Fire Uniform Wash is a specialist in the washing, inspection, repair and tracking of fire uniform elements. We offer competitive pricing as a result of a direct sales effort. Any savings made as a result of our direct sales effort are passed onto the customer. It is the goal of Fire Uniform Wash that any fire uniform sent to us is returned as good as, if not better than the original.

NFPA 1851 standards are strictly adhered to by our specially trained and certified staff. Fire Uniform Wash is a certified third party company with a wealth of knowledge in this industry, who understands all the National Fire Protection Agency compliance needs for fire uniform.

Firefighters constantly face life threatening situations; they would never go into one of these situations without the checking their air pack. We at Fire Uniform Wash feel the same about their fire uniform and we therefore provide specialized attention to detail when washing, inspecting and repairing fire uniform. It is our understanding that it is intrinsic to the safety of the firefighter to have their fire uniform kept in the best possible shape.

Fire Uniform Wash guarantees that all fire uniform is washed and return shipped within a 72 hour turnaround time. Inspections and repairs of a more complex nature, understandably take longer, but will be returned within a two week time frame.


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